使用 Trello 做生活管理也好一陣子, 最近有些契機想嘗試 Jira Cloud 與其他的整合, 並更進一步練習 Agile. 雖然工作上也持續使用, 但總是得不到要領, 是時候下定決心好好練習!
- Profile: My Life
- Jobs
- Personal Development
- Get Things Done
- Discipline - Plan & Execution
- Pains
- Slipped: Schedule delayed or didn’t finished as expected
- Fast-paced: Things changes
- Lazy: Too much reference links/articles = Won’t read
- Gains
- Sense of Control
- Sense of Accomplishment: checklist check!
- Daily Report Visibility: 昨今阻 Plan/Actual
- Achieve easier to estimate and more precise life project management with time tracking report
- 2021-07 Improve time management (visibility > 80%) and improve productivity (+20%) by integrating Clockify + Jira.
- 2021-08 Get familiar with Jira integration and reports to get more insight.
最近用的非常順手的 Time Tracking Apps
- Objectives and Key Results (OKR): everything you need to know
- Targets and reminders
- How to best track time in JIRA
- Jira integration
- Description - Jira issue key + issue title
- Project - Jira project
- => JIRA Epic
- Task - Jira issue key
- Tags - issue types (bug/task/story) + Jira labels
- type of work or service you provide (eg. project management, feedback, debugging, coding)
- PDCA: plan, do, check, act
- OEA: observe, engage, act
- part of the business you’re working on (eg. internal, support, client work, mobile)
- type of work or service you provide (eg. project management, feedback, debugging, coding)
- Time-Blocking: 搭配 Google Calendar 使用, 預留時間, 規劃完整課表
Kanban vs Scrum
小結: Life Plan 適合用 Scrum
- 可以融合, 未必衝突
- 區別
- Relase: kanban 傾向 continuous delivery; scrum 傾向在 sprint 結束 release.
- Change Philosophy: kanban 變化時常發生; scrum 中間盡可能不調整已設定的目標
- Key metrics: kanban = (Lead time, cycle time, WIP); scrum = Velocity
- 大原則來說, kanban 更適合 接單後快速應對的模式; agile 更適合有明確 product roadmap 且有守住 sprint 的概念
- Jira Software best practices
- Project structure in Jira Software: Releasable product
- Agile epics: definition, examples, and templates
- Roadmaps
- Get started with Advanced Search and JQL
- Five agile metrics you won’t hate
- Sprint burndown
- Epic and release burndown
- Velocity
- Control chart
- Cumulative flow diagram
- Track and analyze your team’s work with reports
- Automation best practices
- IT best practices
- What are team-managed and company-managed projects
- Jira label: 一多了之後超難管
- Jira Service Management
- 好用的 Template
- Space 選 software-project 的預設 Template
- Product Requirement
- Meeting Notes
- Decision Logs
- Retrospectives
- OKRs
- Project Management
- Sprint Planning Meeting
- Incident Postmortem
- Product Roadmap
- Product Launch
- Business Status Update
- IT Project Poster
- Tech
- DevOps Runbook
- DevOps Change Management
- Risk Assessment Matrix
- Space 選 software-project 的預設 Template
- 好用的 macro
- Table of Content
- Page Properties (+ label) + Report
- 2021-07-19 Trello 跟 Jira 有的時候真的是順手度問題, 好像也沒有絕對…
- 2021-07-26 搬移到 Jira 一週, 因為工作上有使用的關係, 所以越用越順手了~
- 2021-08-02 新增探討 Knowledge Management
- 2021-08-07 分割獨立一篇文章探討 ITSM
- 2022-10-13 Atlassian 又出了新的 Atlas 跟 Loop 可以搭配 OKR
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