行之有年的 elevator pitch, 概念易懂, 卻需要有意識地練習精簡表達.
- Profile: Personal Development
- Jobs
- Express ideas briefly
- Begin with the end in mind
- Pains
- Tend to explain too much detail
- Gains
- Template or framework to follow for thought
- Able to pitch ideas in (30s, 3min, 10min) depending on different scenarios.
- 2021-12 Consciously practice elevator pitch in every weekly meeting planning items
Elevator Pitch
Elevator Pitch | Atlassian Team Playbook
- Prep 5-column
- As a [target customer type]
- who want(s) to [customer need],
- [product/feature/service]
- is a [market category]
- that [key benefit].
- variation
- [Who], [what], [why]
- focusing on our customers: who they are, what they need, and how our project fills that need.
- Value Proposition
- As a [client], I want [service] so I can [outcome].
- Measurements: customer value, risk, marketability
- [Who], [what], [why]
- Prep 5-column
職場必備利器|4 步驟完成頂尖銷售必備的電梯簡報 Elevator Pitch
- 你是誰?你的背景為何?
- 如何讓對方產生興趣?
- 你想說服對方什麼?要如何說服對方?
- 建立連結,給予行動呼籲(Call to Action)
關鍵性的一刻:隨時都該做好準備的電梯簡報(Elevator Speech)
- What
- 你是誰、你在做什麼
- 準備多個版本, 根據現實條件選擇不同的說法
- 找些不是那麼熟的人來聽聽你的說法
- 熟能生巧
- Always be prepared
- How
- 簡短地介紹你自己
- 描述你的事業是什麼類型
- 描述你的客戶是什麼類型
- 談談你跟其他競爭者有什麼不一樣?你的獨特賣點是什麼?(Unique Selling Proposition)
- What
- Identify Your Goal
- Explain What You Do
- Communicate Your USP (unique selling proposition)
- Engage With a Question
- Put It All Together
- Practice
- 2021-08-05 知道與實踐的距離 = 你必須很努力,才能看起來毫不費力