教學初心者之路 - 三步驟提升教學品質

Photo by Jaredd Craig on Unsplash


Challenges 現況 挑戰

  1. 隨著知識累積, 要學習的東西越來越多, 分享就是最好的記錄方式。如何良好地呈現知識的內容, 簡單明瞭地教學給其他人呢?

Objectives 目標 效益

  1. 初心者系列 - tag: shoshinsha: 紀錄我身為領域初學者的學習方式與目標進度規劃
  2. 養成知識分享的技能, 學習如何教學, 以及如何設計課程

KRs 結果 解法

  1. 2022-09-13 學習 Udemy 教學技巧
  2. 2022-09-20 09-26 學習 Hahow 教學技巧
  3. 2022-09-27 學習 Google 認證訓練講師課程



  1. [course]
  • Expected Time: 1-2 hours
  • Target Audience
    • Developers / Dev
    • Operations / SRE
    • Product Owners, Project and Team Leads
    • Requirements
  • Learning Objectives / Goals
    • Understand [product] fundamentals
    • Determine if your organization is ready for [product]
    • Learn [product] cultural and practical fundamentals
  • Deliverables
    • Project engagement documents
    • Discovery documents
  • Outline
    1. 1
    2. 2

🥇 Udemy

  1. How to Create an Online Course: The Official Udemy Course

    • Learning Objective
      1. Structure your courses
        1. Refine your course topic with marketplace insights
        2. Identify your ideal learners
        3. Write leanring objectives
        4. Create practicial activities and assessments
        5. Create a course outline
      2. Create your content
        1. Produce your course content
      3. Launch your course
        1. Write a compelling course landing page
        2. Launch your course successfully
        3. Evolve your course and grow your audience
    • Provide value
      • The important thing is to teach what you know and focus on content that will provide the most value to your learners, like a new technology that’s going to disrupt a certain industry, an essential business skill that will help people grow their careers, or a personal skill that will improve your learners’ lives.
    • Learning objectives
      • Statements that describe what learners should be able to do after completing your course.
      • List of concepts
      • How-to: Bloom’s taxonomy: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, Creating.
    • Assessment (formative / summative) measure learning
      • Assignments, coding exercises, downloadable resources, quiz
    • Sections & Lectures
    • Talking Point
  2. 創建引人入勝的課程

    1. 步驟 1 Topic: 選擇您的課程主題
    2. 步驟 2 Audience & Objective: 定義您的目標學習者為何,以及您課程的學習目標
    3. 步驟 3 Practice: 決定學生如何練習您教授的內容。
    4. 步驟 4 Outline: 建立您的課程大綱
    5. 步驟 5 Lecture: 為您的課程編寫腳本
      • The value of scripting: 大部分講師都發現為每個講座編寫腳本 (或寫下條列要點) 可減少錄製及編輯時間,並提升授課品質。

Hahow 教學技巧

Google 認證訓練講師課程



DataOps Event Brainstorming

  • Goal: 提高意識, 增加互動, 加深文化
  • 手段 / 方式
    • 組織
      1. Advocate, Consultant
      2. Squad team
    • 輕量級
      1. Wiki, 線上課程
      2. Meetup, 讀書會
      3. Workshop: 特定 project
    • 重量級
      1. DataOps Days: 議程 (Meetup 升級版)
      2. Hackathon: 題目 + Project Outcome (Workshop 升級版)

Training 評估方式

  1. 課程滿意度
  2. 課後測驗成績
  3. 行為改變:發問卷, 比較結果 = (課前/課後, 自評/他評)
  4. 帶來效益 $ (e.g. 解決風險 or 提升生產力 = 節省人天 = $)


  • 2022-09-13: 講的出來才是會!
  • 2022-09-17: 聽完 DevOpsDays 2022, 對於如何辦 event & 推廣教育就會有更多想法 -> DataOps Event Brainstorming.
  • 2022-12-11: 新增 Training 評估方式
