OKR Weekdone


OKR 作為企業與個人的目標設定心法, 已經是當代顯學. 然而,

  1. 如何快速 思考/撰寫 良好/有效的 OKR
  2. 並持續追蹤, 確保自己在正軌上

是目前我將 OKR 運用在人生目標設定上, 遇到最大的難題.

現況 (2021-07-04) 多是使用表格來追蹤, 但整理費時, 每次都還是要重新思考, 所以才有了找軟體輔助的想法. 以下整理 Weekdone 相關內容。才剛起步, 也不確定是否真的好用, 後續有心得再持續更新。


  1. Free.
  2. 教學資源完整. Learning Center
  3. 介面直接提示各種範例. OKR Examples

Learning Center

Actionable Objectives

  1. 規則 1:正確識別問題
    1. RCA: 挖掘問題的根本原因並收集數據是編寫好的團隊目標的第一步。
  2. 規則 2:不斷問為什麼
    1. 5 Whys
    2. O: Implement best practice weekly status reporting and improve teamwork.
    3. KR1: avg(meeting_time): 120min -> 45min
    4. KR2: complete_rate(weekly_plans) > 90%
    5. KR3: implement TOP 3 of the most upvoted improvement ideas from the team
  3. 規則 3:為頭腦風暴會議做好準備
  4. 規則 4:專注於重要的事情
    1. 不要試圖超越自己並解決您將來可能遇到或可能不會遇到的問題。

如果我們必須將整篇文章總結為一句話,我們會說:您的 OKR 應該只關注現在可能產生最大影響的事情,其他一切都應該等待。當你追逐一切時,你什麼也得不到。

OKR Examples - Detailed

OKR Examples - List




  1. +研究. Research and understand why our churned customers didn’t see value

    1. +% 回饋. Get 30% response to survey on churn reasons
    2. +% 回饋. Interviews with 10% of respondents to get detailed reasons
    3. +# 議題. Analyze responses and choose 3 issues to improve
  2. +改善. Improve internal document management system

    1. +# 採用. All 7 teams agree and implement folder structures
    2. +# 採用. 7 teams complete the move and consolidation of 100% of document to the new structure
    3. +% 回饋. Collect feedback from all users and over 80% are positive
  3. +改善. Improve MRP information management processes

    1. +% 行為. On time delivery increases from 80% to 100%
    2. -# 偏差. Inventory stock error reduced from 10% to >3%
    3. +% 行為. Production efficiency increased from 40% to 60% of maximum capacity



  1. +改變. Become a strong design driven company

    1. +# 採用. All 7 teams participate in the new guidelines presentation meeting
    2. +# 採用. All 24 of our software page layouts have been updated based on new guidelines
    3. +# 採用. All 7 teams have their public and sharable materials only with our design
    4. +% 回饋. Employee survey confirms that 90% of employees feel that we stick to our design more then before
  2. +改變. Promote our design team as the coolest place to work

    1. +# 項目 競賽. Apply for external design competitions until we win at least 2
    2. +# 用戶. Achieve 5000 downloads with 2 open source design and UI/UX freebies
    3. +# 用戶. Conduct monthly designer meetups with 40 people attending on average
  3. 🔥 +推出. Launch new, clearer landing page to drive action

    1. +# 用戶. Test existing landing page on at least 100 external users
    2. +# 議題. Analyze test and previously reported feedback and agree on 10 biggest design issues to fix
    3. +% 回饋. User-test page prototypes on 12 people and get 80% positive feedback
    4. +% 行為. New landing page increases call to action button clicks from 20% to 35%



  1. 🔥 +推出. Implement first quarter OKRs process successfully
    1. +# 使用. All team managers attend Weekdone Theory and Usage training (free)
    2. +# 使用. Each team (5 total) set at least 1 good Team OKR
    3. +# 使用. Each team manager holds 12 weekly check-in meetings
    4. +# 使用. Each team communicates 3 lessons learned using OKRs to the whole company



  1. +推出. Successfully launch version 3 of our main product
    1. +# 用戶. Get over 10000 new signups
    2. +# 項目 競賽. Get published product reviews in over 15 publications
    3. +% 行為. Increase sign-up to trial ratio from 10% to 25%
    4. +% 行為. Increase trial to paid ratio from 30% to 50%



  1. +改善. Improve the quality of our releases

    1. -# 偏差. Reduce bugs reported after the release from 20 to 5 average
    2. +% 行為. Increase code unit test cover from 30% to 50%
    3. +# 項目 人力. Increase team members contributing to testing from 1 to 3 people on average testing product before release
  2. +研究. Test A, B, C tools to select the best one

    1. +# 項目 評估. Test the development process with A, B, C tools on 6 different features
    2. +# 項目 評估. Evaluate tools A, B, and C with 4 main parameters (1-speed, 2-accuracy, 3-security, 4-integration with other tools) to determine which one matches our needs
    3. +# 項目 評估. Test the tool with the highest matching score developing 5 more features to ensure consistent results
  3. +改善. Make our data security bulletproof

    1. +# 採用. All 7 team members complete the data training with 80% score in test result
    2. -# 偏差. Reduce security-related server downtimes from 2 to 0 average
    3. -# 偏差. Reduce customers not choosing us because our security measures from 10 to 2 average


  1. 季度
  2. Positive measurable outcome, != Initiatives
    1. 5-Why “What is the reason for doing this?”
    2. “what is the outcome of this action?”
  • O: What. Value. 明確提供價值.

    1. +改善 Improve
    2. +改變 Become
    3. +推出 Launch
    4. +研究 Research
  • KR: How. Measurable Result. 描述結果(可衡量的里程碑),

    1. +# 採用 Adopt = 造冊 & 觀察 重點用戶 採用比例. (7 Team 都採用)
    2. +# 用戶 User = 達成 使用數. (推出給 > 100 個用戶, 達成 5000 下載)
    3. +% 回饋 Satisfaction = 蒐集回饋 / 滿意度. (滿意度 > 80%, 滿意比例 > 90%)
    4. +# 議題 Issue = 分析回饋, 提出改善議題. (改善 Top 5 issue responded)
    5. +% 行為 Behavior = 觀察改變 造成的實質行為改變率.
      1. (付費行為: 5% -> 20%, 測試覆蓋率: 30% -> 50%, 回覆率: 50% -> 99%)
      2. -# 偏差 Deviation: 減少 bug 回報, 縮短作業時間
    6. +# 項目 Item = (其他)
      1. 人力 增加投入資源
      2. 評估 必要功能/面向是否達標
  • Measure

    • V 動詞: +(增加, 提高), -(減少, 縮短), 0(提出, 達成)
    • N 名詞: #數, %率, (上限, 下限)
    • S 統計: (總計sum, 平均avg, 中位p50, p90), (最大max, 最小min), by_time(hr, d, w, month)
      1. sum(adopt) = 7
      2. sum(user) > 100
      3. avg(satisfaction) > 80
      4. sum(issue) = 5
      5. avg(behavior): 5% -> 20%
        1. min(coverage_rate): 30% -> 50%
        2. avg(mttr) < 5sec
        3. max(bug_report): 20 -> 2
  • 常用範例 (搭配 Value Proposition Canvas)

  1. O: 推出 {project_name} 並改變現有 {job} 管理習慣. (Value = 效率提升)
    1. KR1: sum(adopt) > 70%. {customer_profile} 採用人數比例達 70%
    2. KR2: sum(issue) = 5. 蒐集分析回饋, 並提出 5 點改善
    3. KR3: min(coverage) > 50%. 覆蓋重點/常見主情境達 50%
    4. KR4: avg(saved_time) > 50%. 節省平均耗時比例達 50%
  • 其他參考
    • OKR 做最重要的事
    • OGSM 打造高敏捷團隊


OKR 博大精深…

使用心得 Log

  1. 2021-07-05
    1. 👍
      1. Link 設定完成之後自動計算完成的 %. 只要 Personal 有進展, Teams & Company 就會更新.
    2. 👎
      1. 介面有些地方不太直觀, 花了點時間想了一下… 可能是沒看到對應的文. => 再去多讀一下 Learning Center 的其他文章.
      2. 原本想要可以不用表格了. => 目前為止的心得是 仍然會想要先用 table 形式紀錄/思考, 但是透過範例輔助, 至少後續追蹤不用一直改在原表格上.
  2. 2022-11-13
    1. 反璞歸真
      1. 什麼是目標與關鍵結果 (OKR)? - Asana
