Continuing previous post: Agile Life, let’s dive deeper into a series of ITSM methodologies and products proposed by Atlassian, with a view to applying them in work and life to further enhance productivity and narrative skills.
Profile: Data Engineer + Operations Administrator
Provisioning and troubleshooting data pipeline, visualization and monitoring
Collaborate with other developers and administrators
Repeated or similar questions
Long communication time to do situation analysis
Hard to find thorough SOP or agile workflow
Hard to prioritize ad-hoc tasks
Single source of truth
Organized knowledge base, working documents
Unified way to handle similar incidents
Build smart and modern IT Service Management and cultivate mindset with team
Hard to Prove and Maintain Reliability. 在設計 Data Pipeline 的過程中, 除了最終要 Deliver Data to Value 以達到 Business Impact 外, 更需要確保每天的 Data & Services Quality & Reliability, 甚至可以說是服務上線後天天都會遇到的事.
Often Without Clear Value Proposition. 而這些日常維運繁瑣的事務其實有很多可以用工程手段解決/自動化的部分, 但是卻非常容易在繁忙且接踵而來的專案下, 不自覺地疏忽了.