Elevator Pitch


行之有年的 elevator pitch, 概念易懂, 卻需要有意識地練習精簡表達.


  1. Profile: Personal Development
  2. Jobs
    1. Express ideas briefly
    2. Begin with the end in mind
  3. Pains
    1. Tend to explain too much detail
  4. Gains
    1. Template or framework to follow for thought


  1. Able to pitch ideas in (30s, 3min, 10min) depending on different scenarios.


  1. 2021-12 Consciously practice elevator pitch in every weekly meeting planning items

2021 Agile Life


使用 Trello 做生活管理也好一陣子, 最近有些契機想嘗試 Jira Cloud 與其他的整合, 並更進一步練習 Agile. 雖然工作上也持續使用, 但總是得不到要領, 是時候下定決心好好練習!


  1. Profile: My Life
  2. Jobs
    1. Personal Development
    2. Get Things Done
    3. Discipline - Plan & Execution
  3. Pains
    1. Slipped: Schedule delayed or didn’t finished as expected
    2. Fast-paced: Things changes
    3. Lazy: Too much reference links/articles = Won’t read
  4. Gains
    1. Sense of Control
    2. Sense of Accomplishment: checklist check!
    3. Daily Report Visibility: 昨今阻 Plan/Actual


  1. Achieve easier to estimate and more precise life project management with time tracking report


  1. 2021-07 Improve time management (visibility > 80%) and improve productivity (+20%) by integrating Clockify + Jira.
  2. 2021-08 Get familiar with Jira integration and reports to get more insight.

Add Series Taxonomy to Beautiful Hugo Theme


原本是看到這個 Series 操作就覺得蠻生火的: Add Series Taxonomy to Hugo Theme, 剛好拿來當練習~


  1. Profile: Tech Blogger
  2. Jobs
    1. Post great articles with friendly reading experience


  1. Achieve better reading exprience with better blog post structure


  1. 2021-07 Implement Series feature on Hugo blog theme

Value Proposition


最近嘗試 Product Management 的概念套用在包裝日常工作內容

  • Full Scope Overview: 更清楚地規劃有哪些事情要做
  • Focus and Prioritize: 判斷優先順序, 專注在重要的事物上
  • Sense of Accomplishment: 更有成就感, 而不是渾厄度日, 被雜務塞滿

除了設定 OKR 之外, 先釐清 Value Proposition 會是一個好選擇


OKR Weekdone


OKR 作為企業與個人的目標設定心法, 已經是當代顯學. 然而,

  1. 如何快速 思考/撰寫 良好/有效的 OKR
  2. 並持續追蹤, 確保自己在正軌上

是目前我將 OKR 運用在人生目標設定上, 遇到最大的難題.


Setup Blog Hugo

Step by step Setup Hugo Blog

終於從 ghost 搬來 Hugo 啦
